Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios

Consider this if: You’re looking for an all-in-one solution to manage your savings over the long term without extra work on your part.

Our Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios make things simple for you—maybe that’s why it’s our most popular portfolio. You simply pick the one that matches the year your child will enter college and the asset allocation adjusts over the years to become more conservative as the enrollment year approaches. It's a great way to minimize risk as you get closer and closer to using your account to pay for qualified education expenses. Watch this enrollment year investments video to learn more.

Step 1: Select your enrollment year

Your first step is to determine the expected date you will need to use the savings. Typically, families assume their student will need their education savings at age 18. Once you’ve estimated that date, select the enrollment year portfolio that represents the date closest to your estimated date of enrollment. For example, if your future student was born in 2015 and you anticipate that they will begin college at 18 years old, they may need their college savings in the year 2033 (2015 + 18). This means you would select the 2032/2033 Enrollment Portfolio.

Step 2: Select your investment management approach

The asset allocations in the Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios gradually become more conservative over time through a quarterly rebalancing process. You may choose a passive or active strategy for the underlying funds when choosing an Enrollment Year Investment Portfolio.

Passive management

Consider this if:

You prefer to invest primarily in portfolios that are indexed.

Active management

Consider this if:

You prefer to invest in portfolios that are actively managed.


Consider this if:

You are seeking an environmental, social governance (ESG) option.*


Step 3: Learn more about investment options.

The following tables list the available Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios effective July 14, 2023, as well as the approximate age of a beneficiary for whom you may want to select such Investment Portfolio. Effective July 14, the 2022/2023 Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios were merged into the Enrollment Year Portfolios and the 2040/2041 Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios were launched. It is anticipated that new Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios will be added approximately every two years.

Investment Name When will the savings be needed?
2040/2041 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
17+ Years
2038/2039 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
15-16 Years
2036/2037 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
13-14 Years
2034/2035 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
11-12 Years
2032/2033 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
9-10 Years
2030/2031 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
7-8 Years
2028/2029 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
5-6 Years
2026/2027 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
3-4 Years
2024/2025 Enrollment Portfolio Passive
1-2 Years
Enrollment Year Portfolio Passive
Investment Name When will the savings be needed?
2040/2041 Enrollment Portfolio Active
17+ Years
2038/2039 Enrollment Portfolio Active
15-16 Years
2036/2037 Enrollment Portfolio Active
13-14 Years
2034/2035 Enrollment Portfolio Active
11-12 Years
2032/2033 Enrollment Portfolio Active
9-10 Years
2030/2031 Enrollment Portfolio Active
7-8 Years
2028/2029 Enrollment Portfolio Active
5-6 Years
2026/2027 Enrollment Portfolio Active
3-4 Years
2024/2025 Enrollment Portfolio Active
1-2 Years
Enrollment Year Portfolio Active
Investment Name When will the savings be needed?
2040/2041 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
17+ Years
2038/2039 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
15-16 Years
2036/2037 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
13-14 Years
2034/2035 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
11-12 Years
2032/2033 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
9-10 Years
2030/2031 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
7-8 Years
2028/2029 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
5-6 Years
2026/2027 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
3-4 Years
2024/2025 Enrollment Portfolio ESG
1-2 Years
Enrollment Year Portfolio ESG

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Underlying Funds may be actively or passively managed.
The investment portfolios are subject to the risks of the underlying funds including the loss of principal.

Step 4: Start their education savings now!

Open an Account

Enrollment Year Investment Portfolio Glidepath

How does it work?

For each Enrollment Year Investment Portfolio, the allocation or mix of equity, fixed income, and capital preservation adjusts automatically to become more conservative as the student's enrollment year approaches. The example in this glidepath is the Passive Enrollment Year Portfolios. For information on allocations for individual portfolios, please reference the portfolio pages.

  • Equity
  • Fixed Income
  • Capital Preservation
View Graph Data Details

How Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios can work for you

The asset allocation in the Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios invests more money in the stock market when your child is younger and gradually becomes more conservative over time through a quarterly rebalancing process.

Learn more about this popular investment category.

Things to consider

Your education savings goals

Families can also take advantage of the versatility of Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios to save for all types of qualified education expenses, including college/university, community college, technical college, professional and graduate schools, and K-12 tuition*. Simply adjust the expected year of enrollment in your calculation to select your new Enrollment Year Investment Portfolio.


  1. *Withdrawals for tuition expenses at a public, private, or religious elementary, middle, or high school can be withdrawn free from federal tax. For California taxpayers these withdrawals are subject to state income tax and an additional 2.5% California tax. You should talk to a qualified professional about how tax provisions affect your circumstances.

Your risk tolerance

What level of risk are you comfortable with? You can find out by answering our Risk Tolerance questions. If you are a conservative investor, you may wish to choose an earlier enrollment year portfolio regardless of the year your future student begins 4-year college/university, community college or technical school. More aggressive investors can select a later date. Investors aligning with their risk tolerance or seeking particular investment objectives can view asset allocation across enrollment year dates above to help guide their decision.


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